Rethinking Humanity

Lessons from the Planet of Beauty and Harmony

Decision to Embark on a New Path

When we last spoke, you had become aware of the transition that is happening in your own thoughts, where the old patterns become what you call, fuzzier, and new clarity begins to take hold. You remember how we talked about the huge shift that mankind on Earth is going through and that we have gone through it ourselves, here on what we call the Planet of Beauty and Harmony.

We did not start out consciously knowing that is what we wanted to do, but just like you have done with your friends a few days back, someone had to take the lead and start the evolution into a planet that is today reflective of our core values.

We had to get clarity on what it is we want, we had to remember to clear our vocabulary of impediments, of words that do not serve the highest good. All this took time, just as it will and does take time on your planet.

Your speaking out and voicing the desire to make a real difference, the decision to embark on a new path for Earth, is a highly laudable act that has been witnessed not only by us, but by so many of our brothers and sisters that are paying close attention to what is happening on Earth.

Someone needs to take the lead

As you rightly said, somebody needs to take the lead and we are grateful that you have done so. Only then can the next phase of humanity’s development happen, can you enter into the delivery phase, as it needed that open and spoken commitment to real effect a change. You received a message of support and it is the common echo throughout the community of brothers and sisters that are rooting for humanity on Earth, that this is the step that was needed. 

You will not see the immediate impact and as you know, that does not matter. What is important is, that action has been taken, that you have voiced and decided that it starts with you. That is all that is asked of anybody embarking on his or her journey. Be curious, be open to where your own soul directs you, experience the awakening step by step.

Time to act

The time to act has come and it did, because you have persevered and continued to pursue this passionate interest of your heart to understand what it is, that you can contribute to the wellbeing of mankind. We spoke of the circumstances for the descent into the abyss of forgetting, the darkness that has ruled mankind for so long, the fear and the doubts that so many of our beloved brothers and sisters on Earth still display to this very moment. 

We have spoken on how it is a matter of creating one’s own circumstances, of making use of the freedom to choose. You had a long struggle with your role in all of this and we know, you have never taken your role more serious than now.

As you will understand in time to come, what you have enacted through your decision, has created the condition, the pivot to return to mankind’s destiny as divine race living the 3D experience on Earth. You have opened a pathway that will allow many of your fellow humans on Earth to step into the knowing of a higher dimension, to become truly higher-dimensional beings and thus contribute greatly to the overall development of creation.

Creation is development

As you know, creation is all about development. Life is about development, experiencing so many different aspects and living out one’s interests as part of the overall flow of creation. You need to remember that it is you, your soul that has chosen the path that you are living. You came into your incarnation to continue on a long journey back to self, to continue to remember who you truly are and it is in this, that we are happy to support you.

You have embarked on this the very moment time was born, and it is in this very moment of time that you create the moment where this shift has become possible. As you act on it, as you consider the steps, as you watch your thoughts and words, you allow the fullness of creation to be your constant guide and guardian.

What you will experience

You will experience stranger things than what you have so far, but we know that you are able to understand and to accept, as your soul is grounded in the central knowing that you are all there is. When you created the world in your image, you created it with all that is good and all that is bad, as your saying goes, but it is you who can create the world to your desire and liking.

You need to consider and discern that, which serves not only you as individual, but humanity as an entire species, your planet, this beloved speck of paradise that you call Earth, your bothers and sisters that are with you and all of creation. You have the responsibility to accept yourself as you are, to remember that you are good and good enough, that you are sharing the perception of who you are by creating the right perspective for yourself. We love you and we thank you for making the time to connect with us again. 

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